I've been lost, spiritually. Depression and fear had taken a lot from me, but now I'm starting to find my way back to be emotional health. Good for me, right? Anyway...
I'm a decade late student, an artist and writer and someone that takes himself far too seriously. Eventually I would like to have a degree in Contemporary Pagan Studies (because that happens... ...), so I thought this might be a good exercise in writing on the topic.
I live with my two partners, my two cats, a close friend and a wiener dog that I host a love/hate relationship with. One of my partners is an Atheist and a Humanist. The other partner is agnostic and doesn't know much about NeoPaganism as a whole. Actually, neither one of them know much of what I believe or do and there really isn't much time in the day for us to all sit down and have me lecture on the ins and outs of my spirituality (nor do I feel comfortable doing that).
This all came to a head this morning when one of my partners picked up my sacred dagger (aka Athame) and unsheathed it to have a look and maybe twirl it around and play with it. I didn't respond very well and it caused a... Situation. Eventually, it all boiled down to the fact that my defunct practice and closed lips have left my loved ones in their uninformed states.
This blog, I hope, will be an outlet for me to write about NeoPaganism, to educate those close to me and maybe get a great book deal! (because... that happens... ...)
~A. Fox